Labour rights in Peru and the EU trade agreement: Compliance with the commitments under the sustainable development chapter

The authors discussed the EU-Peru-Colombia agreement and its impact in Peru’s agricultural sector. They also analyze the situation of labor rights in Peru and its legal framework.

Book review: “Labor reform in Brazil: promises and reality”

In Portuguese, “Reforma trabalhista no Brasil: promessas e realidade”. The book was published after two years of the labor reform in Brazil, legislation that represented a great deregulation of the …

Italy: Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro Monthly Newsletters 2019

The Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro is a legal research initiative in Italy founded by Fabio Rusconi and Andrea Danilo Conte. This is the compilation of the Italian language monthly newsletters from …


The D.C. Circuit Court upheld (2-1) the NLRB’s 2015 decision in which it articulated a joint-employer standard which considered not only direct control over the employees’ terms and conditions of …

FactSheet European Court of Human Rights: Trade Union Rights

This factsheet summarizes most of the trade union rights related cases decided by the European Court of Human Rights.

Shanghai Trade Union Issued Protection Policy for Flexible Employment Groups

Rapid development of Internet economy creates a flexible employment group, such as deliverymen, Didi drivers, and house cleaner. To help this group to overcome accident risks and diseases, this policy …

NHRCK (The National Human Rights Commission of Korea) recommendation for ratification of ILO Convention N.87 and N. 98

The National Human Rights Commission of Korea recommended to the Minister of the Employment and Labour to ratify ILO Convention N. 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the …

La CorteIDH condena a Colombia por desaparición forzada de sindicalista

La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CorteIDH) informó hoy que condenó al Estado de Colombia por la desaparición forzada del sindicalista Víctor Manuel Isaza Uribe, ocurrida en 1987.En la sentencia …

South Korea: First labor union formed at Samsung Electronics

This article discusses the first labor union formed at Samsung Electronics. It also discusses an investigation of Samsung Electronics for the company’s alleged anti-union activities.

UK: The “Good Work Plan”

The “Good Work Plan” (“GWP”) is a 33-page Policy Paper published by Her Majesty’s Government (“Government”) in the United Kingdom (“U.K.”) that presents the Government’s vision for the future of …