West Virginia Senate passes sweeping education bill to ban teacher strikes

The West Virginia State Senate on Monday passed a sweeping education overhaul bill that would deem teacher strikes unlawful. The chamber voted 18-15 to advance the measure — after Senate Republicans inserted …

Small Gains & Big Risks: Evaluating the Proposed United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement

It is no surprise that calls to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) from some candidates in both US political parties resonated with so many Americans. Numerous studies …

Court rules NY farm workers have right to organize

Farm workers in New York have the right to organize and collectively bargain after a state appeals court ruled Thursday that an exclusion for farm workers in state labor law …

NLRB to revisit ruling that granted graduate students the right to organize as employees

The National Labor Relations Board is set to revisit a 2016 ruling that granted teaching and research assistants at private universities legal protection to form unions, a move that could …

50 blacklisted trade unionists win £1.9m from building firms

More than 50 trade union members have won compensation totalling £1.9m after major construction firms admitted that they had been unlawfully blacklisted and denied work. The compensation will be paid …

California sues US over home health worker union dues

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Five states have joined forces to try and block a new rule from the Trump administration they say weakens labor unions and their ability to collectively …

ILO, Address to the Seoul Bar Association on Core Labor Standards

How Volkswagen Has Gotten Away With Union-Busting

Labor law is not workers’ law. That’s the lesson learned by pro-union workers at Volkswagen’s sole U.S. factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Workers filed for an election to join the United …

DECRETO por el que se reforman, adicionan y derogan diversas disposiciones de la Ley Federal del Trabajo, de la Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial de la Federación, de la Ley Federal de la Defensoría Pública, de la Ley del Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores y de la Ley del Seguro Social, en materia de Justicia Laboral, Libertad Sindical y Negociación Colectiva.

Diaro Oficial: https://www.dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5559130&fecha=01/05/2019

Secretaría del Trabajo: Nace un nuevo modelo laboral

Si alguien nos hubiera dicho que para el primero de mayo el Congreso habría modificado las normas que durante décadas permitieron un modelo laboral basado en el control y el corporativismo, y devolvería a los trabajadores los derechos …