Arranca la oleada de amparos contra la reforma laboral

Al juzgado Séptimo de Distrito en Materia Laboral han llegado las primeras 8 solicitudes de amparo promovidas por organizaciones sindicales, vinculadas con la Confederación de Trabajadores de México (CTM), que buscan evitar, entre …

We want absolute right for every worker, even migrants, to join a union, says MTUC

The Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) has denied the government’s accusation that it was against the ratification of the International Labour Organisation Convention 87 (C87). Describing the human resources ministry …

Mexico’s Workers Can Finally Choose Unions. Old Unions Are Pushing Back

As an election to choose a union at a Mexican tire plant began one recent drizzly morning, a labor leader urged supporters to come out and vote: “You can relax,” …

ITUC Global Trade Union Rights Index 2019 / L’indice CSI des droits dans le monde 2019 / 2019 Índice Global de los Derechos de la CSI

“Democracy is in crisis. The systematic dismantling of the foundations of workplace democracy and the violent repression of strikes and protests put at risk peace and stability. The 2019 Global …

El Tribunal Supremo condena a Servicarne a indemnizar a CNT por vulnerar su derecho a la libertad sindical

La lucha de CNT se remonta al año 2014, siendo el primer sindicato que planteó reivindicaciones laborales para los socios/as-trabajadores/as de Servicarne. Una importante lucha sindical que ha culminado con …

Trump NLRB Overturns ‘Public Spaces’ Ruling That Allowed Non-Employee Union Reps On Employer Premises

“Employers may ban union representatives from promoting their union in a public space within the employer’s facilities if those representatives aren’t employees, the National Labor Relations Board ruled June 14. The decision …

Local Labor Laws Apply to Ryanair Employees: Belgian Court

Belgium’s labor laws can apply to Ryanair employees based in the country, a local court ruled on Friday, in a case that could set a precedent elsewhere in Europe and …

S. Korea: Supreme Court Decision 2019Du33712 Decided June 13, 2019 (the Standard and method of determining whether a person constitutes a worker under the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act)

Supreme Court Decision 2014Du12598, 12604 Decided June 15, 2018 Supreme Court Decision 2019Du33712 Decided June 13, 2019 1. Basic explanations about two decisions The two above mentioned decisions defines “the …

Sindicato defenderá derecho a huelga en Costa Rica

San José, 5 jun (Prensa Latina) La Unión Nacional de Empleados de la Caja y la Seguridad Social (Undeca) afirmó hoy que defenderá el derecho a la huelga y el …

Ryanair, definitiva condanna per comportamento antisindacale

“Con una sentenza, emessa oggi (6 giugno, ndr), il Tribunale di Busto Arsizio rigetta il ricorso di Ryanair e condanna in via definitiva la compagnia per comportamento antisindacale nei confronti di …