COVID-19 – time for governments, brands and employers to protect supply chain and precarious workers from hardship and infection

As the economic and human rights impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak come into view, we are again seeing supply chain and frontline workers, alongside those in precarious and informal jobs, …

Ukraine’s Cabinet withdraws draft of Labor Code

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine withdrew the draft law No. 2708 on labor, which was planned to introduce a new Labor Code in action. This is stated in the card …

The Case for Universal Labor and Employment Rights

Working people in the United States are fragmented by race, gender, ethnicity, religion, and status. We are also stratified by the law itself—specifically the extent to which we are entitled …


Nearly seven years ago, in April 2013, the Rana Plaza garment factory in Bangladesh collapsed and killed more than one thousand workers. This U.S. Senate Report describes how today many …

At AFL-CIO, Senator Menendez Releases Report Assessing Labor Rights and Safety in Bangladesh’s Garment Factories

WASHINGTON – Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released a new Senate Foreign Relations Committee Democratic Staff report investigating the treatment of garment workers, labor rights, and factory safety …

‘A worker is a worker’: the trade unions organising migrants across Europe

A conviction that lies at the very heart of international trade unionism is that a worker is a worker, wherever he or she is from. But how can unions put …

ILO: Promoting employment and decent work in a changing landscape

The Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) is pleased to publish this new General Survey, which addresses a crucial subject that is one of the …

CUPW v Foodora

The couriers are selected by Foodora and required to deliver food on the terms and conditions determined by Foodora in accordance with Foodora’s standards. In a very real sense, the …

With Historic Win, Foodora Couriers a Big Step Closer to Union Certification

The Ontario Labour Relations Board ruled today that couriers working for Foodora are, as Foodsters United and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers argued, dependent contractors – which means they …

The Thai state has consistently suppressed its unions, the latest SRT case explains why

Thailand is a country used to corruption. But an ongoing corruption case filed late last year has been so revealing that it defies even the most watered-down expectations of justice. …