Kenya: Employee rights and guarantees during COVID-19 Pandemic

“Employment relationships are not commercial contracts, and the court must strive to achieve the delicate balance between the need for our national economic development, and the protection of the dignity …

Ukraine: As government mulls new labor code, unions brace for battle

Serhiy Rudnitsky, a line manager at a Coca-Cola Ukraine bottling plant, said he could no longer stomach his working conditions. According to him, the pay was low, vacation days were …

As government mulls new labor code, unions brace for battle

Labor unions across Ukraine and their international allies are indignant about draft law 2681, which would introduce several important changes into laws governing unions. These include a limit of two …

The Right to Refuse in a COVID-19 World

In view of the fact that the Ontario government has declared a state of emergency under the under section 7.0.1(1) of theEmergency Management and Civil Protection Act and passed O. Reg. 82/30 declaring …

For the Brazilian people, Bolsonaro is as dangerous as COVID-19

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), the economic and labour crisis caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic could see the number of people unemployed globally soar to almost 25 million. …

New labor law could threaten workers’ rights, but state firms happy

Ukrainian employers – especially the country’s largest state-owned enterprises – would like the current labor code replaced so that they can fire and hire workers much more easily. They say …

Fact Sheet: Worker-Related Rights Decisions from European Court of Human Rights

This factsheet provides brief summaries of cases and decisions made by the European Court of Human Rights on worker-related rights issues.

Free Speech and Strike Action

Two UK law professors, Alan Bogg and Virginia Mantouvalou,  published an article in the UK Labour Law Blog discussing how the exercise of the right to strike is fundamentally an …

Can Transnational Labour Law Resolve the Crisis of Labour?

For a hundred years, the ILO has championed the cause of social justice, facilitated dialogue amongst its stakeholders, provided intelligent analysis and advice, and undertaken whatever practical on-the-ground measures its …

Nigeria: TOAN v. Registered Trustees of Tricycles Owners

Please find the decision from the National Industrial Court (Lagos): TOAN V REGISTERED TRUSTEES OF TRICYCLES OWNERS This decision recognizes that under Nigerian law, organisations registered  as Incorporrated Trusteeship under …