Reforma al Código Penal Hondureño viola derechos de reunión y asociación pacífica. Sindicalismo informa al Relator Especial de ONU

El 25 de junio de este año entró finalmente a regir la reforma al Código Penal en Honduras, que venía discutiéndose en su Congreso Nacional desde enero de 2018 y …

Union achieves historic trans quota at Argentina’s national bank

UNI Global Union’s Argentine affiliate, La Bancaria, has signed an agreement with Banco de la Nación establishing a job quota for transgender people in the financial sector. The agreement stipulates that the …

UN Denounces Muzzling of Teachers Union in Jordan

The U.N. human rights office calls the decision to close Jordan’s Teachers Syndicate another blow to the union’s freedom of association and to its ability to operate without governmental interference. …

UNI condemns Zimbabwe for labelling trade union as terrorists

UNI Global Union condemns in the strongest terms the labelling of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) as a terrorist organization and demands an end to the persecution of …

Union busting & unfair dismissals: Garment workers during COVID-19

“As the COVID-19 pandemic struck and retail stores shut down, many global brands responded by cancelling billions worth of orders, passing the financial burden of the disruption to the most …

Cambodia Fundamental Freedoms Monitor (Fourth Annual Report)

“The Fundamental Freedoms Monitoring Project (FFMP) examines the state of the freedom of association, the freedom of expression and the freedom of assembly in the Kingdom of Cambodia (Cambodia). Utilizing …

Statutory Interpretation and the Limits of a Human Rights Approach: Royal Mail Group Ltd v Communication Workers Union

“In the 1998 white paper Fairness at Work, the recently elected New Labour Government famously declared that when it came to trade union law there would be no going back: …

It’s Now Even Easier to Fire U.S. Workers for What They Say

“Employers in the U.S. just got more latitude to fire employees who speak up about harassment and discrimination.  They can already legally terminate people for almost any reason, including what …

General Comment No. 37 on Article 21 (Right of peaceful assembly)

“The fundamental human right of peaceful assembly enables individuals to express themselves collectively and to participate in shaping their societies. The right of peaceful assembly is important in its own …

UN expert welcomes landmark protection for online assembly

The UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association has hailed as groundbreaking an authoritative new interpretation that the right to peaceful assembly extends to …