Non-unionised workers earn less than half the hourly pay of unionised workers and work 12 hours per week more. Non-union workers are 81 percent more likely to face verbal abuse …
El 17 de septiembre de 2020, el Comité de Derechos Humanos del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos de Naciones Unidas emitió la Observación General No. 37, relativa al …
“The ITUC has documented more than 40 cases of independent union supporters being arrested, detained, intimidated and in several cases imprisoned, and many more have been rounded up in the …
A panel of experts will be convened next month to determine whether Seoul violated its free trade agreement with the European Union by postponing approvals of key international conventions on …
Several unions and federations boycotted a meeting with garment industry and government representatives on September 15 to discuss amendments to the Labor Law that the unions say will harm the …
El pasado viernes 4S la #ConfederaciónSindicalDeLasAméricas-CSA con apoyo de #ILAWNetwork realizó una Reunión preparatoria para la elaboración de los comentarios a las Memorias anuales sobre Convenios Internacionales del Trabajo. La …
Unions in the Fair Work Act Decade – and the Aftermath of ‘Change the Rules’
“The decade in which the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) has been in operation has continued to present challenges for the Australian union movement. Despite high hopes that the 2009 legislation’s support …