“Trade Union Comments The trade unions welcome the publication of the second revised draft of the Legally Binding Instrument by the Chairmanship of the Open-ended Inter-governmental Working Group (OEIGWG). With …
Germany has a pay agreement with public sector unions that includes around 2.3 million workers employed by municipalities and the federal administration. The Verdi union and public employers said they …
In 1947, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom led 20 other countries to negotiate the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The agreement strove to promote economic …
El 18 de noviembre se tiene previsto que inicie funciones el nuevo Centro Federal de Conciliación y Registro Laboral (CFCRL), que tiene como reto hacer toda la gestión para que …
The ILAW Network sent a letter calling on the Albanian Government to ensure the immediate implementation of the court’s order. That order directs AMRO to pay wage arrears to 505 …
A top apparel industry watchdog has launched an investigation into underwear maker Jockey International’s Indian partner Page Industries Ltd following allegations of human rights abuses at one of its factories, …
El Gobierno y la “inmediata” restricción del Derecho de Huelga
“El decreto del Poder Ejecutivo del 15 de octubre pasado habilita al Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social a intimar la desocupación “inmediata” de dependencias públicas y empresas o instituciones …