New York Sues Amazon, Saying It Inadequately Protected Workers From Covid-19

New York’s attorney general, Letitia James, sued Amazon on Tuesday evening, arguing that the company provided inadequate safety protection for workers in New York City during the pandemic and retaliated …

ILO Committee of Experts Annual Report 2021

 Application of International Labour Standards 2021 Addendum to the 2020 Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations International Labour Conference 109th Session, 2021—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_771042.pdf

The Right to Strike as Customary International Law

  Brudney_The Right to Stike as Customary International Law

ILAW Network Amicus Brief to the US Supreme Court

The ILAW Network submitted an amicus brief with the US Supreme Court concerning the right of trade unions to access rural workers employed on private farms. The brief provides a …

ECCHR Press Release: Germany announces mandatory human rights due diligence law

After months of negotiations, Germany’s government today announced an agreement on a German mandatory human rights due diligence law (Lieferkettengesetz). The proposal is a compromise and lacks some core demands …

Somalia’s Ratification of Seven (7) ILO Conventions Represents New Hope for Workers, Says Festu

The Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) applauds the official signing and ratification of seven International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions by Somalia’s Prime Minister, Mohamed Hussein Roble, on behalf of …

Exclusive: Google workers across the globe announce international union alliance to hold Alphabet accountable

Google workers across the world are coming together to form a global union alliance. The newly formed coalition, called Alpha Global, is comprised of 13 different unions representing workers in …

Immigrant Workers Win Payout For Illegal Union Recognition

A carnival company must pay more than $383,000 in back pay after it forced a union on immigrant workers and struck a collective bargaining agreement that paid the employees lower …

Comisiones Nacionales Tripartitas de Relaciones Laborales. Análisis comparado. Concepto del Panel de Expertos de LO TCO Suecia

Serie conceptos técnicos del Panel de Expertos de la LO TCO de Suecia: Las Centrales sindicales LO y TCO de Suecia cuentan con un Panel de Expertos, abogados laborales internacionales …


Nuestro colega, miembro de ILAW, analiza “¿Cuál es el poder conceptual de la economía colaborativa? El trabajo en plataformas parece transformar las nociones del empleo asalariado y presenta claroscuros como …