European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Netherlands Trade Union Confederation (FNV) and National Federation of Christian Trade Unions (CNV) v. the Netherlands Complaint No. 201/2021

The complaint was registered on 12 July 2021. It concerns Article 6§4 (the right to bargain collectively) as well as Article G (restrictions) of the revised European Social Charter. The …

Liga sindical peleará por sumar a llanteras a contrato ley

La Liga Sindical Obrera Mexicana (LSOM) emprendió la batalla para lograr que se sumen, al menos las empresas llanteras como Goodyear, Pirelli, Michelin, a cumplir con lo establecido en el …

Caterpillar Factory in Mexico Draws Complaint of Labor Abuse

Over the past few years, as major manufacturers have announced plans to ramp up production in Mexico, labor unions have raised concerns that American jobs will be sent abroad. Now, …

Trabajadores de Pirelli interpondrán queja laboral bajo el T-MEC

A causa de que la empresa Pirelli, violó el derecho a la negociación colectiva auténtica de sus trabajadores, se interpondrá en dos semanas una queja por medio de los afiliados …

Most Americans have no idea how anti-worker the US supreme court has become

Under Chief Justice John Roberts, the supreme court has been supremely pro-corporate – one study even called the Roberts court “the most pro-business court in history”. Not only have many …

BARGAINING OVER WORKERS’ DATA RIGHTS: How Unions and Works Councils Can Use Collective Bargaining to Specify Workplace Data Protection Norms

“Workplace compliance with existing data protection law appears poor. A variety of reasons explain poor compliance, including a lack of legal clarity. Therefore, in order to boost workplace data protection …

Just for show: Worker representation in Asia’s garment sector & the role of fashion brands & employers

“As the fashion industry grapples with supply chain disruption, climate breakdown, geopolitical trade shifts, the aftermath of the pandemic and a rapidly evolving landscape of human rights and environmental regulation …

Replacement worker ban approved for Canada’s federal workplaces

Federally regulated workplaces will soon be banned from bringing in replacement workers during a legal strike, after the Senate passed a government bill Monday that is now set to become …

The Supreme Court Ruling in the Starbucks Case Proves the Law Won’t Save Labor

In Starbucks Corp v. McKinney, the Supreme Court ordered lower courts to apply a stricter test when deciding whether to grant the National Labor Relations Board’s petitions for emergency relief, like …

In First Case of its Kind, NLRB Judge Declares Non-Compete Clause Is an Unfair Labor Practice

Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Sarah Karpinen issued her decision in J.O. Mory, Inc. yesterday. The case mostly revolves around an employer firing a union organizer that became employed at the company with …