South Korea on Tuesday completed the ratification process for three key International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions, which have long stalled due to objections from businesses and conservatives. The Ministry of …
South Korea on Tuesday completed the ratification process for three key International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions, which have long stalled due to objections from businesses and conservatives. The Ministry of …
El sindicato Miguel Trujillo López de la planta General Motors en Silao convoca a consulta los próximos 20 y 21 de abril, en las instalaciones de la empresa y con …
Representantes de trabajadores telefonistas y universitarios disidentes denunciaron la “pasividad” de la secretaria del Trabajo, Luisa María Alcalde, para llevar a la práctica la reforma laboral de 2019, así como …
Erradicar las malas prácticas y las innumerables figuras que surgieron con el outsourcing estará en manos de la Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social (STPS) quien tendrá que elaborar un reglamento sobre cuáles son …
Google promised not to silence workers who talk about their pay, part of a settlement resolving one of the first legal complaints filed by a new union representing hundreds of …
La parte peticionaria alega la responsabilidad internacional del Estado por la violación de los derechos humanos de ochocientos veintiocho trabajadores mineros sindicalizados que laboraban en la mina Cananea y de …
Leaving no one behind in the city: ensuring just transitions for public transport workers
“There is a general consensus that cities and public transport will play a central role in the recovery from Covid-19. Some have called this the “urban opportunity”. From investments in …