Global Britain’ is the ambitious term used by the UK Government for describing Britain’s place in the world after Brexit. Attempts at definition have focused on its critical role as a defender of …
The right to strike varies considerably across Europe, often with specific rules and restrictions imposed on public service workers. The European Trade Union Institute has produced 35 country factsheets that …
The UK’s main union body has reported the government to the UN’s labour standards organisation for alleged attacks on workers’ right to strike. The Trades Union Congress (TUC) said ministers …
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) evaluated Zimbabwe in its recent review found: “The Committee is concerned that legislation to protect labor rights and prevent discrimination …
El Tribunal Federal Laboral -de nueva creación con la reforma laboral- emitió una sentencia condenatoria en contra de la empresa Saint Gobain, quien fue denunciada por violar los “derechos humanos …
Starbucks illegally withheld wages and benefits from thousands of unionized baristas, the National Labor Relations Board alleged in a complaint Wednesday. The complaint arrives during a campaign by the coffee …
Lorsque Ayoub Saoud veut se rendre à son travail au centre d’appel Casablanca B2S, vingt agents de sécurité lui barrent la route. Ils lui refusent, ainsi qu’à six autres employés, l’accès …
It’s time to build a global arbitration system to defend workers’ rights
“Many consumers are appalled to learn that the products they buy are produced by exploited workers, and have demanded action from companies and governments; the result has been a growing …