The British government’s decision to allow companies to hire agency staff to cover for striking workers was overturned on Thursday by London’s High Court, who upheld a legal challenge by …
The British government’s decision to allow companies to hire agency staff to cover for striking workers was overturned on Thursday by London’s High Court, who upheld a legal challenge by …
The National Labor Relations Board filed a complaint against Amazon for refusing to bargain with the Amazon Labor Union on Wednesday. “It’s about time,” said Chris Smalls, president of the …
The National Labor Relations Board filed a complaint against Amazon for refusing to bargain with the Amazon Labor Union on Wednesday. “It’s about time,” said Chris Smalls, president of the …
Ahead of the court appearance of Sticks Nkambule, Secretary General of Swaziland Transport Communication and Allied Workers Union, on trumped-up charges of contempt of court stemming from his involvement in …
U.S. labor officials on Friday asked Mexico to investigate alleged worker rights abuses at a Grupo Mexico (GMEXICOB.MX) mine in the central state of Zacatecas, the 11th U.S. labor complaint in Mexico …
The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement’s Interagency Labor Committee for Monitoring and Enforcement today requested the government of Mexico review an allegation that the rights of workers are being denied at the San Martín …
The National Labor Relations Board revamped its legal test for determining whether workers are employees covered by federal labor law or independent contractors who fall outside the law’s protections, bringing …
AI Is a Lot of Work
“As the technology becomes ubiquitous, a vast tasker underclass is emerging — and not going anywhere. A few months after graduating from college in Nairobi, a 30-year-old I’ll call Joe got …