Collective Labour Disputes: Fundamental Aspects of Labour Law

This paper examines the legal regulations of collective labor disputes and dispute resolution procedures for collective labor disputes. The paper also contains a classification of collective labor disputes.Петров.pdf (in …

Effects of Business Combinations on Contracts of Employment in Nigeria

This article reviews the plight of employees with regards to business combinations and change of ownership in Nigeria.  The article does a comparative analysis of UK and France laws, with …

Italy: Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro Monthly Newsletters 2014

The Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro is a legal research initiative in Italy founded by Fabio Rusconi and Andrea Danilo Conte. This is the compilation of the Italian language monthly newsletters …

Mongolia: Research on Implementation of Labour Law

This report conducted by the Research Institute of Labour and Social Protection reviews labour law implementation on a wide range of issues, including individual and collective rights. It also provides …

La afiliación sindical de la población inmigrante. El caso de CCOO de Cataluña

“La movilización de la población trabajadora inmigrante y su vinculación con las organizaciones sindicales de los países de destino continúa siendo un tema central para las ciencias sociales del trabajo. …

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation assessed constitutionality of Article 3 (1)-(8) of the Federal Law “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Activity”

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation held Article 3 (1)-(8) of the Federal Law “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Activity” unconstitutional to the extent they are …

Sindicatul “Păstorul cel Bun” v. Romania

This case concerned the refusal by the Romanian State of an application for registration of a trade union formed by priests of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The Grand Chamber held …

ILO and the International Labour Standards Setting: A Case of Nigeria Labour Acts

This study examines the influence of ILO standards on domestic statutes and regulations. It then investigates the level of compliance by employers and enforcement measures by the government.  

The Workers’ Rights in Nigeria: Myth or Reality?

This article reviews the framework of worker’s rights in Nigeria through the prism of domestic labor statutes, UN treaties and the influence of the ILO. The article discusses the challenges …

UK; EU: “Identifying ‘Exploitative Compromises’: The Role of Labour Law in Resolving Disputes Between Workers”

Both at the policy level and at the workplace level, the interests of labor are not always a unified set of interests versus employers with capital in the traditional “labour …