The rise of the «just-in-time workforce»: On-demand work, crowdwork and labour protection in the «gig-economy»

The so-called “gig-economy” has been growing exponentially in numbers and importance in recent years but its impact on labour rights has been largely overlooked. Forms of work in the “gig-economy” …

Italy: Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro Monthly Newsletters 2016

The Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro is a legal research initiative in Italy founded by Fabio Rusconi and Andrea Danilo Conte. This is the compilation of the Italian language monthly newsletters …

Seattle City Ordinance 124968

An ordinance  relating to taxicab, transportation network company and for hire vehicle drivers; amending Section 6.310.110 of the Seattle Municipal Code; adding a new Section 6.310.735 to the Seattle Municipal …

South Korea: Court decision regarding the duration of collective agreement (Case Number: 2012Da71138)

This is a court decision regarding whether a collective agreement is limited to 2 years under the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act when it is automatically renewed for …

Japan: Unfair Labor Practice Cases Handled by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Labor Relations Commission

Unfair Labor Practice Cases Handled by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Labor Relations Commission This Article introduces recent situation of unfair labor practice cases at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Labor Relations …

The Significance of Labour Relations Commissions in Japan’s Labor Dispute Resolution System

This article provides overview of Labour Relations Commissions (LRCs) in Japan, which are the institutions to resolve collective labor disputes such as unfair labor practices by management. The article covers …

Manole and “Romanian Farmers Direct” v. Romania

This case concerned the refusal of the Romanian courts to register a union of selfemployed farmers which the first applicant wished to set up. The Court held that there had …

“UK government to ban restaurant owners from taking share of tips”

[Direct Quote of Online Abstract (in front of paywall): “Trade unions have experienced significant turbulence over the past three decades. In the UK and Ireland, a key change has been …

UK: University and College Union v The University of Stirling (Scotland) (Rev 1) [2015] UKSC 26

The United Kingdom (“U.K.”) Supreme Court found that an employer that wants to “dismiss as redundant” twenty (20) or more employees at one establishment within a period of ninety (90) …

Junta Rectora Del Ertzainen Nazional Elkartasuna (ER.N.E.) v. Spain

This case concerned the inability of the members of a police officers’ trade union to exercise the right to strike. The applicant trade union complained in particular of the ban …