Sweden: Article “Atypical Work in the Digital Age – Outline of a Trade Union Strategy for the Gig Economy”

This article considers the trend towards more uncertain forms of employment in the gig-economy and the challenges this presents for trade unions. The article outlines a union strategy to respond …

EU, Germany: The Law Concerning the Election of Employee’s Representatives in Company Bodies (Report in light of the CJEU case Konrad Erzberger v TUI AG, C 566/15)

This report discusses a current case referred by German court to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in relation to workers’ participation in the supervisory boards in an international company …

Book Review: “Migrants at Work: Immigration and Vulnerability in Labour”

Book Review written by Ines Wagner in the BJIR, An International Journal of Industrial Relations, Volume 54, Issue 4, December 2016, pp. 883-884. Hardcover book itself edited by Cathryn Costello …

Mongolia policy brief: Freedom of Association and Collective bargaining

This policy brief examines law and practice in Mongolia in light of international labour standards relating to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Mongolia ratified both the Freedom of Association …

UK: “False Self-Employment, Autonomy and Regulating for Decent Work: Improving Working Conditions in the UK Stripping Industry”

Research Article Abstract Posted in Front of Paywall: “A large‐scale study of working conditions in UK‐based strip dancing clubs reveals that dancers are against de facto self‐employment as it is …

UK: “Beyond Neo-Liberalism: The Trade Union Act 2016 and the Authoritarian State”

Discusses the three main characteristics of the changed trade union regulations in the U.K.’s The Trade Union Act 2016. https://doi.org/10.1093/indlaw/dww023

Unite the Union v. the United Kingdom

Following a series of consultations with interested parties, including the applicant – a trade union representing around 18,000 employees in the agricultural sector –, the UK Government succeeded in having …

UK: “The Living Wage – Policy And Practice”

This article explores the opportunities and challenges for trade unions where an employer voluntarily agrees to pay a ‘’living wage’ in accordance with the UK living wage campaign. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/irj.12132

UK: “British union renewal: does salvation really lie beyond the workplace

The authors explore the potential to recruit migrant workers by offering individual union services outside the workplace. This has been a successful recruitment innovation, but has some limitations to which …

Trade Unions Services and Benefits in Africa

This report evaluates the impact of trade union activities in Africa. The study is done against the backdrop of privatization of public corporations and the growth of the informal economy, …