Read the latest issue of The Global Labour Rights Reporter: “Forging a Feminist Labour Law

Starbucks Is Sued by Pro-Union Staff for Defamation, Abusing Legal Process

Starbucks Corp. employees are suing the company for defamation over its response to a union protest.  In a lawsuit filed Monday in South Carolina state court, eight Starbucks workers accused …

Mecanismo de Respuesta Rápida del T-MEC es una novedad en materia de comercio y derecho laboral

Esta es la segunda conferencia mundial de la Red Internacional de Abogados que Ayudan a los Trabajadores (ILAW), donde los miembros establecen una agenda ambiciosa para la defensa, el litigio …

T-MEC: miedo a castigos acelera libertad sindical

Este lunes, trabajadores de Teksid de México, subsidiaria de la automotriz Stellantis, votarán para elegir al nuevo sindicato que los representará para renegociar el contrato colectivo, mismo que lograron después …

Global Britain’s new dilemma: trade, or human rights?

How far would Liz Truss go to sign a trade deal? The answer, human rights campaigners fear, is almost any distance at all. As Britain’s international trade secretary, Truss made …

Essential jobs, remote work and digital surveillance: Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic panopticon

An unprecedented COVID-19-induced explosion in digital surveillance has reconfigured power relationships in professional settings. This article critically concentrates on the interplay between technology-enabled intrusive monitoring and the augmentation of managerial …

EU to sanction trade partners breaching labour, climate rules

EU trading partners who breach international labour standards or climate commitments, face being slapped with sanctions, under EU Commission proposals on Wednesday (22 June). “While our approach should remain centred …

Commission unveils new approach to trade agreements to promote green and just growth

The European Commission is today taking a major step in making EU trade greener, fairer and more sustainable. It has unveiled a new plan to enhance the contribution of EU …


“En un reciente informe sobre Diálogo Social1, la Organización Internacional del trabajo (OIT) resalta el rol protagónico que cumple la negociación colectiva en el actual contexto de crisis económica y …

Mexico accepts U.S. request for labor probe into Panasonic

Mexico’s Economy Ministry has accepted a U.S. request to probe alleged labor abuses at a Panasonic (6752.T) auto parts plant in the northern border city of Reynosa, it said on Monday. The …

United States Seeks Mexico’s Review of Alleged Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Violations at Panasonic Facility

United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai today announced that the United States has asked Mexico to review whether workers at the Panasonic Automotive Systems de Mexico facility in Reynosa, State …