Victims of violence at Unilever tea plantation take complaint to the UN

The complaint is brought to the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights and the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights by the Centre for …

Belgium:, “What is a sexual harassment policy?”

This article aims to motivate the establishment of a sexual harassment policy focusing on the prevention and management of sexual harassment in the workplace. According to the article, a sexual …

ILO Violence and Harassment Convention will enter into force in June 2021

Fiji has become the second country to ratify the ILO’s Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190)  , after Uruguay  did so on 12 June . With the deposit of this second ratification, the …

El Senado aprobó la ratificación de un Convenio de la OIT contra el acoso laboral

Sin la presencia de la oposición, el Senado aprobó y giró a la Cámara de Diputados este miércoles un proyecto impulsado por el Poder Ejecutivo que ratifica el Convenio 190 de …


El 7 de febrero de 2019 la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (en adelante también “la Comisión Interamericana” o “la Comisión”) sometió a la jurisdicción de la Corte el caso …

Nigeria urged to ratify ILO Convention 190

The Nigerian Government has again been urged to as a matter of urgency, ratify the International Labour Organisation Convention 190 which seeks to eliminate violence and harassment in the world …

Sexual Violence: ILAW Joins NLC, Calls on FG to Ratify ILO Convention 190

THE International Lawyers Assisting Workers network (Nigeria Chapter) identifies with organized labour in Nigeria in calling on the Federal Government to speedily ratify the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention No. …

Advancing Gender Justice on Asian Fast Fashion Supply Chains Post COVID-19- Guidance from ILO’s Convention 190 on its First Anniversary

“One year ago, women trade unionists, workers, and allies from around the world celebrated adoption of the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (C190) at the ILO Centennial Anniversary. C190 …

McDonald’s accused over ‘systemic sexual harassment’ of employees worldwide

An international coalition of labor unions has filed a complaint against McDonald’s, alleging systemic sexual harassment of its employees around the world. The complaint, filed at the Organization for Economic …

Le groupe McDonald’s poursuivi devant l’OCDE pour « harcèlement sexuel systématique »

Une coalition internationale de syndicats a annoncé avoir porté plainte lundi 18 mai devant l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) contre le groupe McDonald’s, accusé d’avoir échoué à lutter …