Human Trafficking in India

The paper summarizes the history of human trafficking, types of human trafficking, and the victims of human trafficking in India. It also addresses the causes and remedies for human trafficking …

A Critical Analysis of Child Labour In India

This article summarizes the issue of child labor, with a special emphasis on India. It looks at the global definitions of child labor, types of child labor, and the factors …

Dilemmas in Rescue and Reintegration: A critical assessment of India’s policies for children trafficked for labour exploitation

The paper summaries the efforts made by the Indian government to address and prevent child trafficking. It is based on a study conducted by FXB Center for Health & Human …

Brazil Case Law: TRT-RO-0001662-91.2012.5.02.0003

The Regional Labor Court of São Paulo (TRT-2) confirmed the decision that held the Spanish fashion retailer Zara accountable for workers’ rights violations in its supply chain. The Brazilian government …

Human rights and trafficking in women and children in India

This paper summarizes the trafficking of women and children in India using a human rights approach. The paper highlights the problems in defining human trafficking, discusses the trends and causes …

Brazil Case Law: TRT-RO-0000108-81.2012.5.02.0081

This case is an example of how some of the lower courts are now deciding cases of violations in supply chains. The Regional Labor Court of São Paulo (TRT-2) confirmed, …

Intensifying Insecurities: The impact of climate change on vulnerability to human trafficking in the Indian Sundarbans

This paper explores the vulnerability factors that drive human trafficking, especially climate change in India. The paper discusses how climate change factors such as environmental degradation, pressure on livelihood, forced …

Mongolia policy brief: Forced labour

This policy brief addresses the law and practice of forced labour in Mongolia in light of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) and the Abolition of Forced Labour Covention, …

Academic thesis: “The analog to slave labor and social dumping in the fashion industry: an analysis in the light of developments in the State of São Paulo”

In Portuguese, “O trabalho análogo ao de escravo e o dumping social na indústria da moda: uma análise à luz dos acontecimentos no Estado de São Paulo”. This dissertations scope …

“The analog to slave labor and social dumping in the fashion industry: an analysis in the light of developments in the State of São Paulo”

In Portuguese, “O trabalho análogo ao de escravo e o dumping social na indústria da moda: uma análise à luz dos acontecimentos no Estado de São Paulo.” This dissertation’s scope …