With consumers increasingly paying attention to working conditions in the supply chain, companies have published ambitious ethical commitments to promote a responsible image. Samsung proclaims to be “one of the …

Why Corporate Transparency Is Vital In The Fight For Workers’ Rights

“It is impossible to finish the tasks on time unless we work during the night.”  That was the reality faced by 23-year-old Phyu Phyu, who lives in an industrial zone …

Torture and forced child labour: UN experts find Nepal violated human rights

Nepal must remove all existing obstacles that hinder victims of torture and forced labour in filing complaints, the UN Human Rights Committee said in a decision published today in Geneva. …

“You Pray for Death” Trafficking of Women and Girls in Nigeria

When she was 18 in 2013, Adaura C. met a woman who promised her a job earning 150,000 naira (US$414) as a domestic worker in Libya. Adaura agreed, and the …

In Harm’s Way: UCLA Study Finds Child Labor Protections Lacking in Many Countries

“Despite international commitments made by nearly all of the 193 United Nations (UN) member states, dozens of countries lack important legal protections against children doing work that could be harmful …

UN Human Rights Committee: Bholi Pharaka v Nepal

The Committee’s decision came in response to an individual complaint from Mr. Bholi Pharaka (pseudonym), a member of an indigenous group who was a domestic worker in Kathmandu from the …

Australia to help ASEAN firms tackle slavery in supply chains

“A multi-million dollar anti-trafficking strategy between Australia and Southeast Asian nations will look at new ways to help businesses root out slavery in their supply chains, a senior foreign ministry …

Children at Work, Child Labor and Modern Slavery in India: An Overview

The paper summarizes the problem of child labor and modern slavery in India. The paper discusses the broad definitions of child labor and modern slavery, the extent of the problem …

Mars, Nestle, other food companies face complaints of forced labor at palm oil supplier

Palm oil is common in U.S. diets, yet it lives in obscurity. Big food manufacturers add it to a wide array of packaged foods — it is in Skittles, Oreos …

Côte d’Ivoire / Café-cacao : les enfants sont de plus en plus exploités, l’Amérique, l’important acheteur en colère. Ce que disent Dominique et Alassane

Les États-Unis pèsent sur le plan visant à bloquer les importations de cacao résultant du travail des enfants. La Côte d’Ivoire appelle l’interdiction injuste. La première dame du pays a rencontré …