The pandemic has returned migrant workers to Ukraine. Will they stay?

“Ukrainian labour keeps several European economies afloat. But after migrants returned home during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kyiv is now reluctant to let them depart again. When the borders open, I’ll …

Clean Slate for Worker Power: Worker Power and Voice in the Pandemic Response

“Our country is racked by two urgent crises – the COVID-19 pandemic and the plague of systemic racism, the latter of which has manifested in the continued killing of Black …

Namibia: Ban On Job Cuts Falls in Court

The government’s ban on retrechment of workers, reduction of pay and use of compulsory leave by employers to limit their labour costs during the Covid-19 state of emergency is unconstitutional …


“As states and municipalities relax shelter-in-place orders, the nation seems to be racing to get the economy back to something resembling the pre-pandemic era. Restaurants, malls, cinemas, day care centers …

Cambodia garment factories call for wage cuts as pandemic bites

PHNOM PENH — A group representing garment factories in Cambodia is urging the government to suspend the minimum wage to help the sector face “desperate times” in the wake of …

Meat plant must be held to account for Covid-19 outbreak, says German minister

The owners of Europe’s largest meat-processing plant must be held to account for a mass coronavirus outbreak that has infected more than 1,500 of its workers, Germany’s labour minister has …

ILAW Statement: States Must Act Now to End Forced Labor at Sea

“The International Lawyers Assisting Workers (ILAW) Network, which unites over 400 workers’ rights lawyers from over 55 countries, writes to demand the immediate release and repatriation of the roughly 200,000 …

Challenges in Implementation of Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 due to COVID-19 and plea of force majeure

Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) is considered a significant milestone in realizing the rights of seafarers. Before MLC there have been treaties and recommendations of International Labour Organisation (ILO) for …

Towards mandatory due diligence in global supply chains

“The Covid-19 pandemic has once again exposed the fragility of global supply chains and the enormous risks to human and labour rights in a highly interconnected global economy that is …

Workers seeking redress face delays as tribunal backlog grows

Workers treated unfairly by their employer face waiting up to two years for legal redress, because a backlog of cases in the employment tribunal system has become much worse during …