Exploitation made in Europe: Human Rights Abuses in Facilities Producing for German Fashion Brands

“Germany is one of the world’s largest importers and exporters of garments. German fashion brands and retailers are the primary buyers of fashion items from Ukraine and Bulgaria, as well …

ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work. Third edition Updated estimates and analysis

The world of work is being profoundly affected by the global virus pandemic. In addition to the threat to public health, the economic and social disruption threatens the long-term livelihoods …

How and Why to Empower Workers in the COVID-19 Response

“From the lack of paid sick leave to a shortage of hospital beds, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed glaring problems in our social infrastructure. Those who remain on the job …

Responsible disengagement in the time of corona

“The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis that has impacted people, governments, and economies alike. Understandably, much attention is focused on pains felt at home: rapidly rising infection and death …


” This paper is divided into four parts. Part I provides an overview of the human rights impacts of the pandemic. Part II outlines the importance of the corporate responsibility …

(EU) A Worker is a Worker: How to Ensure that Undocumented Migrant Workers Can Access Justice

This report therefore explores judicial and statebased1 non-judicial labour complaints and redress mechanisms that are in place in 15 EU member states, and what happens or would happen when undocumented …

Withhold Release Orders, in Three Acts: Heralding A New Enforcement Era

“The Tariff Act of 1930 included a little-known and rarely used weapon to combat importation of goods made with forced labor, Section 307. But the act included an exception – …

Garment supply chains in intensive care? Human rights due diligence in times of (economic) crises

This paper from ECCHR explores the following questions: • What should proper due diligence by brands and retailers have looked like in relation to these human rights in the years …

ILO ACTRAV Analysis: Governments’Responses to COVID-19

How Governments are responding to the pandemic of COVID-19? Find out more with this analysis… https://www.ilo.org/actrav/info/pubs/WCMS_740916/lang–en/index.htm?

ABA: Multi-Country Snapshot of COVID-19 Related Legal Changes

This contains a series of short articles describing how several countries from throughout the world are using workplace laws to combat the spread of COVID-19 and to mitigate its effects …