Isreal: The market explanation (excuse) for gender wage gaps: Following the Goren v. HomeCenter Verdict

The Goren v. HomeCenter verdict raised several legal questions, i.e., when is it justified to pay men and women who are performing the same work and whose skills are identical, …

Thailand: สรุปคําวินิจฉัยศาลรัฐธรรมนูญที่ ๑๕/๒๕๕๕ วันที่ ๑๓ มิถุนายน พุทธศักราช ๒๕๕๕ (Supreme Court Judgement Brief No. 15/ 2555 dated 13 June 2555)

The ombudsman requested the constitutional court to consider the constitutionality of the Judicial Regulations Act, B.E. 2543 (2000) section 26 paragraph 1 (10) according to section 30 of the constitution …

Israel: “Foreigners in the Jewish State: The New Politics of Migrant-Labor in Israel”

This article deals with the dwelling trend to reform the Israeli Immigration Politics towards implementing a “regime of incorporation,” forming an inclusive society for non-jewish work migrants. It analyzes the …