“As states and municipalities relax shelter-in-place orders, the nation seems to be racing to get the economy back to something resembling the pre-pandemic era. Restaurants, malls, cinemas, day care centers …

‘With labour exploitation worsening during Covid, tech giants must allow workers to join unions’

““I even have had to pay [my employer] money at the end of the month instead of getting money.” That’s a quote from Batsa, a 25-year-old Nepalese worker in an …

The implications of Covid-19 on workers rights: A regional overview

“This issue focuses on the impact of Covid-19 on workers’ rights across Southern Africa. The restrictive measures imposed by governments to combat the spread of the pandemic has resulted in economies shrinking, …

Informal work during the pandemic: when essential activities are the most precarious

“According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), two billion people – more than 61 per cent of the world’s employed population – work in the informal economy. Though their work, …

What are the avenues for corporate liability for COVID-19-related human rights abuses?

“The devastating human rights implications of the global COVID-19 pandemic have been thoroughly documented:Civil society has exposed the failure of many governments to protect their citizens and of many businesses to …

India: Walking a tightrope between employers and employees amid COVID-19 pandemic

The article analyses the case of Ficus Pax Private Limited & Others v. Union of India & Others (“Ficus Order”) wherein the Supreme Court of India has dealt with an …

Bargaining Against the Common Good

Most police unions have successfully shielded their members from facing any serious consequences for racist, brutal, violent behavior. George Floyd’s indicted murderer, Derek Chauvin, had had 18 civilian complaints lodged …

NLRB v. International Ass’n of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, & Reinforcing Iron Workers, Local 229 Ninth Circuit Holds that First Amendment Does Not Protect Encouraging Secondary Boycotts

“The First Amendment has long had an uneasy relationship with labor law, an area riddled with exceptions to normal protections for expressive conduct. One such exception is the ban on …

See you in court: a rise in legal attacks against rights defenders aims to silence corporate critics

“Athit Kong has been fighting to stay out of prison for more than four years. The Cambodian union leader faces criminal charges of intentional violence, obstructing public officials and obstructing …

Are We Managers or Corporals?

“On May 29, breaking news hit the front pages of the Italian major newspapers. According to these sources, the Milan Tribunal had placed Uber Eats Italy under special administration over alleged gangmastering offences. The …