“On November 2, 2020, a group of MPs submitted a draft law No.4303 “On promoting the development of digital economy in Ukraine”. In Labor Initiatives lawyers` opinion, this draft law …
“On November 2, 2020, a group of MPs submitted a draft law No.4303 “On promoting the development of digital economy in Ukraine”. In Labor Initiatives lawyers` opinion, this draft law …
If Joe Biden wins the Presidential election and the Democrats win control of the Senate, then the Trump National Labor Relations Board will soon be just a bad memory. But, …
“A landmark Australian inquiry calls out the gig economy’s rotten core In July 2020, the Report of the Inquiry into the Victorian On-Demand Workforce was released.[1] This was the first full-scale …
“Barcelona-founded delivery startup Glovo has something of a love-hate relationship with its home nation of Spain. The company is the current poster child of the country’s tech community: valued at …
“As a usual spectator of billionaire brands evading responsibility for their workers, even I was taken back by the news that broke out earlier this year that brands were refusing …
On 3 October 2020, Pope Francis signed his encyclical, Fratelli Tutti – on fraternity and social friendship. This sets forth his vision of what is needed to inspire a ‘rebirth’ of ‘fraternity …
“El decreto del Poder Ejecutivo del 15 de octubre pasado habilita al Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social a intimar la desocupación “inmediata” de dependencias públicas y empresas o instituciones …
On 22 September 2020, almost exactly eight years after Pakistan’s worst industrial fire officially killed 264 garments workers and injured over 60 others in the commercial capital of Karachi, an anti-terrorism court …
The world is getting hotter, and the divide between rich and poor is getting bigger. Consider the cantaloupe. It’s a decent melon. If you, like me, are the sort who constantly …
International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
c/o Solidarity Center
1130 Connecticut Ave, NW 8th Floor
Washington DC, 20036
International Framework Agreements
New Developments through Better Implementation on the Basis of an Analysis of the Bangladesh Accord and the Indonesian Freedom of Association Protocol “When the negative outcome of globalization in the …