Trump NLRB Eliminates Hurdle to Employers Kicking Out Unions

The National Labor Relations Board made it easier for an employer to oust a union after getting evidence that a majority of workers no longer supports that union. The NLRB’s …

California: Crown Act Banning Discrimination based on Hairstyles [SB 188]

“This bill would provide that the definition of race for these purposes also include traits historically associated with race, including, but not limited to, hair texture and protective hairstyles, and …

Corte de Apelaciones le da la razón a sindicato y avala forma en que puso fin a la huelga de 2018

Un revés sufrió Latam Airlines después de que ayer la Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago le diera la razón al sindicato de tripulantes de cabina de Lan Express respecto a …

Defenderán reforma laboral de juicios de amparo

Ante las más de 400 solicitudes de amparo que realizaron organizaciones sindicales pertenecientes al Congreso del Trabajo, en contra de la aplicación de la reforma laboral, el grupo que conforma …

Over 200 major companies sign Supreme Court brief in favor of LGBTQ workers

More than 200 major U.S. and international corporations signed an amicus brief submitted to the Supreme Court on Tuesday arguing that excluding sexual orientation and gender identity from federal civil …

Exposing Wage Theft Without Fear: States Must Protect Workers from Retaliation

Debate Over Uber and Lyft Drivers’ Rights in California Has Split Labor

California’s labor movement recently seemed on the verge of a new era for worker rights. A state court ruled that workers in the gig economy should have many of the …

Justices to Review How Federal Workers Prove Job Bias Claims

The U.S. Supreme Court accepted June 28 a petition asking for clarification on what federal government workers must prove when they file discrimination claims. The main question for the court …

XV Encuentro Latinoamericano Abodagos Laboralistas de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras

Cali, Colombia Universidad Libre – Cali

November 14–16, 2019

Forced labor lawsuit against Imperial Pacific progresses

mperial Pacific’s development of the Imperial Palace in Saipan in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) has faced plenty of problems, including delays and lawsuits. One of those lawsuits …