Here is the full decision from the US Supreme Court where it decided that gay and transgender people are protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, …

U.S. Supreme Court endorses gay, transgender worker protections

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday delivered a watershed victory for LGBT rights, ruling that a landmark federal law forbidding workplace discrimination protects gay and transgender employees. The 6-3 ruling …

Manglona grants default judgment vs IPI

U.S. District Court for the NMI Chief Judge Ramona V. Manglona granted today, Friday, a default judgment against Imperial Pacific International (CNMI) LLC in connection with a lawsuit filed by …

Association des employeurs maritimes v. Syndicat des débardeurs, section locale 375 du Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique

Le Conseil canadien des relations industrielles statue que les ports ne constituent pas des services essentiels au sens strict du terme et confirme que le droit de grève est protégé …

Maritime Employers Association v. Longshoremen’s union, local 375 du Canadian Union of Public Employees,

Canadian Industrial Relations Board rules that ports do not constitute essential services in the strict sense of the term and confirms that the right to strike is protected under the Labour …

Canada: Strike by longshoreman at Port of Montreal could go ahead

A strike by longshoremen at the Port of Montreal could go ahead now that their employer has failed in a bid to have their activities declared an essential service. The …

California regulators say Uber, Lyft drivers are employees

The California agency that regulates Uber and Lyft said in an order Tuesday that ride-hail drivers are employees under AB5, the state’s new gig-work law, marking a significant development in the battle …

Appeals court rejects AFL-CIO lawsuit over lack of COVID-19 labor protections

A federal appeals court on Thursday rejected the AFL-CIO’s emergency lawsuit against the Trump administration for failing to enact stronger labor protections amid the coronavirus crisis. A three-judge panel on …

Bargaining Against the Common Good

Most police unions have successfully shielded their members from facing any serious consequences for racist, brutal, violent behavior. George Floyd’s indicted murderer, Derek Chauvin, had had 18 civilian complaints lodged …


In a national survey on workplace retaliation during the pandemic, Black workers were twice as likely as white workers to report that they or someone at work may have been …