State of New York et al v. Scalia

The US District Court for the Southern District of New York found that the US DOL’s new final rule on joint employer status violated the Administrative Procedures Act because it …

Judge Blocks Labor Department’s Narrowed Joint Employer Test

A federal judge in Manhattan has declared the most consequential elements of the Trump administration’s recent joint employer regulation illegal, halting what’s been a priority for Republicans and the business community. …

Trump’s National Labor Relations Board Is Sabotaging Its Own Mission

“On a June afternoon in 2019, in front of a statue of George Washington at Federal Hall in New York City’s financial district, more than 100 construction workers and activists …

State Attorneys General Are Helping Workers in Hard Times

These are tough times for workers, with COVID-related risks layered atop a grossly distorted power disparity that has long enabled businesses to degrade working conditions and violate labor laws. Workers …

The Inter American Court of Human Rights sets standards on the gender-based violence continuum in educational settings

Guzmán Albarracín and Others vs Ecuador, adopted by the Inter American Court of Human Rights in June 2020, is historic. This is the first case in the Inter American Human Rights …

Op-ed: This Labor Day, workers deserve protection and a Clean New Deal

“Fueled in no small part by catastrophic leadership failures in the White House, more than 186,000 lives have been lost so far from COVID-19, and the tally increases each day. It …

EEOC Limits Power to Bring ‘Pattern or Practice’ Bias Claims (1)

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission doesn’t have authority to sue employers over sweeping job patterns or practices that allegedly lead to workplace bias without first going through procedural steps laid …

Demanda contra Articulo 193 de Plan Nacional de Desarrollo de Colombia

El pasado 04 de septiembre, con el apoyo de la Coordinación para América Latina y Caribe de ILAW, las tres centrales sindicales y dos confederaciones de pensionados presentaron Demanda de …

The Future for Uber and Lyft Drivers if Their Employers Win the California Fight? Listen to Their Cambodian Counterparts.

“The fight over so-called “gig” work has come to a head in California. Lyft has even threatened to suspend all operations in the state. Why would the company even think …

Maintaining effective U.S. labor standards enforcement through the coronavirus recession

“Workers in the United States are experiencing record unemployment at the same time that governments across the country are facing extraordinary budget deficits. Evidence from the Great Recession of 2007—2009 …