Unions Without Borders: Recent Developments in the Theory, Practice, and Law of Transnational Unionism

Hyde and Ressaissi propose a general strategy for unions confronting multinational corporations and advocating on behalf of migrant workers. This article examines recent union defeats in Europe, as well as …

Globalization in Collective Bargaining, Baseball, and Matsuzaka: Labor and Antitrust Law on the Diamond

This article (in 28 Comp. Lab. L. & Pol’y J. 283 (2007)) concerns the globalization of baseball, labor and antitrust litigation, and the Major League Players Association. Gould recalls his …

Transnational Labor Citizenship

Gordon offers “transnational labor citizenship” as a means to break down barriers of national citizenship between domestic and migrant workers. Her article asserts that political participation, in the age of …

Transnational Labor Citizenship

Southern California Law Review, Vol. 80, p. 503, 2007 This article discusses a new approach to regulating cross-border labor migration, through what Gordon calls “transnational labor citizenship.” Under this model, …

National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labour in Brazil

This document in English describes the National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labor in Brazil. It is a multi-stakeholder initiative involving Ethos Institute, The Social Observatory Institute, the International …

Hooray for…Toronto?: Hollywood, Collective Bargaining, and Extraterritorial Union Rules in an Era of Globalization

Frommer explores what effects the globalization of film production has had on the American film industry and the unions of Hollywood. This article pays special attention to the Screen Actors …

Labor and Economic Globalization in Eastern Europe and Latin America

The first half of this article (in 26 Lab. Stud. J. 22 (2001)) explores how multinational production chains increase income inequality and decrease union power. It compares labor conditions in …

National Struggles in a Transnational Economy: A Critical Analysis of U.S. Labor’s Campaign against N.A.F.T.A.

This article (in 21 Lab. Stud. J. 3 (1997)) explores and evaluates American unions’ responses to NAFTA. In the wake of these responses and subsequent globalization, it identifies barriers separating …