Artículo de Supiot sobre el derecho de huelga en la OIT [Supiot’s article on Right to Strike at ILO]

El gran jurista Alain Supiot ha escrito un artículo en el que comenta la cuestión del Derecho de Huelga en el Comité de Libertad Sindical de la OIT y la …

How to Make the Green Economy a Just Economy

At last year’s COP28 climate summit in Dubai, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change presented a stark warning. The world remains on track for at least three degrees Celsius …

National Policy Index (NPI) for worker mental health and its relationship with enterprise psychosocial safety climate

“Mental ill health is an international public health crisis and current approaches have been ineffective. We investigate the role of national policy in improving mental health, providing strong evidence that …

Worker Power and Voice in the AI Response

In “Worker Power and Voice in the AI Response,” we outline a series of action-oriented recommendations to respond to the use of artificial intelligence in the workplace, such as banning the use …

ILO submits dossier related to the right to strike dispute to the International Court of Justice

On 14 December 2023, the International Labour Office submitted to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) a collection of 342 documents in five volumes (dossier), as required under article 65(2) …

Informe de la OIT sobre empleo y condiciones sociales en 2024 (ILO report on employment and social conditions in 2024)

La OIT publicó su Informe “Perspectivas sociales y del empleo en el mundo: Tendencias 2024”. La noticia de la publicación de este nuevo informe se puede encontrar aquí. Se puede …

Digital labour platforms and social dialogue at EU level: How new players redefine actors and their roles and what this means for collective bargaining

“Digital labour platforms transform work and employment relations in many ways. Crucially, they renounce the role of the employer, leading to a redefinition of traditional categories of actors and their …

ILO Working Paper: An unfinished task? Matching the Platform Work Directive with the EU and international “social acquis”

“Besides straining international, regional and national employment status classification models, digital labour platforms are pioneering new strategies and approaches in terms of algorithmic management, digital surveillance, remote work and cross-border …

The Digital Resistance: Contesting the Power of Gig Economy Platforms through Collective Worker Action

“This article examines how trade unions and self-organised worker groups have deployed digital organising tools to collectivise gig work, focusing on rideshare and food delivery platforms. It demonstrates the successful …

Deliveroo judgment shows how gig economy platforms and courts are eroding workers’ rights

“The tide of employment law has continued to turn on the gig economy after the UK Supreme Court’s recent ruling that Deliveroo drivers are not considered workers but self-employed independent contractors. This …