“This guide is part of the series of Case-Law Guides published by the European Court of Human Rights (hereafter “the Court”, “the European Court” or “the Strasbourg Court”) to inform …
On Wednesday, April 29, during a webinar organised by the European Parliament’s Responsible Business Conduct Working Group, the EU Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, committed to a legislative initiative on mandatory human rights and …
“As early as March 17, the day France’s national lockdown took effect, Amazon warehouse workers held protests and strikes. The unions that represent them railed against a lack of hand sanitizer and risks of overcrowding, …
Les syndicats CGT, CFDT et SUD d’Amazon France proposent à la direction une reprise progressive d’activité, alors que le géant américain de la logistique a fermé jusqu’au 5 mai ses …
The Italian “Strike Guarantee Authority” (Commissione di Garanzia)–that is empowered to regulate the right to strike in public services–has ordered all trade union organizations not to take any collective actions …
PARIS — A French court upheld a ruling Friday restricting Amazon deliveries to essential products only until a risk assessment is carried out, but reduced fines for breaches and extended …
Dancers are workers: Nowak v Chandler Bars Group Ltd and the history of dancer organising in London
Are “sexual entertainment venues” paid by dancers to provide them with an opportunity to make a living by dancing for customers? Is the nature of the relationship between the venue …