Guide on Article 11(Association and Assembly) of the European Convention on Human Rights

This Guide is part of the series of Case-Law Guides published by the European Court of Human Rights (hereafter “the Court”, “the European Court” or “the Strasbourg Court”) to inform …

TOO LITTLE, TOO SLOW: Why Employees in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine Do Not Benefit from the EU Association Agreements

Three Eastern European countries, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine signed Association Agreement with the European Union, and among other things, they have committed themselves to implement EU and international labor standards …

Union takes Deliveroo to court, demanding contracts and back pay

Trade union federation FNV is taking meal delivery company Deliveroo to court for a second time, this time to demand a permanent contract for two delivery workers, and back pay. …

Sweeping labour reforms go ahead in Georgia despite opposition from business groups

Georgia’s parliament is set to pass a package of sweeping reforms to labour regulations in the country despite facing opposition from business groups. The amendments, which passed their second reading …

‘It was like jail’: Domestic workers face cycle of exploitation in lockdown London

Despite the lifting of lockdown restrictions in the United Kingdom, Rosa* still barely leaves her friend’s house, where she has been staying since March. “It’s very difficult. If another wave [comes], …

The termination prohibition extended for two months in Turkey

Within the scope of governmental measures taken for inhibiting the negative aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Presidential Degree No. 3344 extended the termination prohibition and unpaid leave until 17 March …

The termination prohibition extended for two months in Turkey

Within the scope of governmental measures taken for inhibiting the negative aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Presidential Degree No. 3344 extended the termination prohibition and unpaid leave until 17 March …

Statutory Interpretation and the Limits of a Human Rights Approach: Royal Mail Group Ltd v Communication Workers Union

“In the 1998 white paper Fairness at Work, the recently elected New Labour Government famously declared that when it came to trade union law there would be no going back: …

Victims of violence at Unilever tea plantation take complaint to the UN

The complaint is brought to the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights and the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights by the Centre for …

Ukraine: Draft Law Threatens Trade Union Rights

Ukraine’s parliament is considering draft amendments to the country’s trade union law that, if adopted, would impose serious and unjustified restrictions on workers’ rights to freedom of association, Human Rights …