Legal action against Dutch firms for allegedly profiting from forced labour of North Koreans in Polish shipyard dismissed

On 15 of April 2024, the Hague Court of Appeal decided that two Dutch companies are not to be prosecuted for profiting from human trafficking, money laundering or fencing. The …

EU Regulation on prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market

The legislation establishes a structured framework for prohibiting the use of forced labour in the production of EU goods and within supply chains. It will empower the EU to prohibit and …

EU Parliament approves ban of products made with forced labour

The European Parliament approved rules on Tuesday to ban in the EU the sale, import and export of goods made using forced labour. The move was driven by EU lawmakers concerned …

Social Europe needs a new concept of ‘worker’

“The distinction between employed and self-employed is becoming incoherent and outdated A quarter of a century after Alain Supiot advocated a comprehensive extension of labour and social rights ‘beyond employment’, labour-law regimes …

Armani company put in receivership amid labour exploitation probe

An Italian court placed under judicial administration a company owned by Italian fashion group Armani accused of indirectly subcontracting production to Chinese companies that exploited workers. The judges in Milan …

UAW files charges against Mercedes-Benz while employees look to unionize

The United Auto Workers union filed charges in Germany against Mercedes-Benz. This comes after employees at the plant in Vance are working to unionize to protect their rights. “In the …

Digital labour platforms and migrant workers

Analysing migrants’ working conditions and (over)representation in platform work in Europe “Working for labour platforms is still relatively rare, but the generally poor working conditions and the impact on the …

Are there workers’ environmental rights in EU law?

Over recent decades, we have seen an increase in academic exploration of the interactions between workers and the environment, including the emergence of new fields such as environmental labour studies. Labour lawyers have …

‘Gig’ workers in Europe: the new platform of rights

“Last Monday, European Union member states reached a provisional agreement on the compromise text of the directive on platform work. This momentous decision comes more than two years after the European Commission’s initial …

Confronting systemic human rights violations: Human rights due diligence and state-imposed forced labor under the German Supply Chain Act

“The existence of state-imposed forced labor as a systemic human rights violation within global value chains requires an urgent corporate response. Although the issue of state-imposed forced labor and its …