South Korea: Court decision regarding dispatched worker’s judicial right to seek judgement against the user company (Case Number: 2013Da14965)

This is a court decision which involves dispatched worker’s judicial right to seek a judgment against the user company when the user company did not perform its obligation to directly …

Pyongyang’s flying doctors pull in $15M a year: NIS

This article states that North Korea has deployed more than 1,000 doctors and nurses in 26 nations where they perform illegal medical practices. These illegal medical practices include abortions and …

Court decision regarding the standard of discriminatory treatment of workers (Case Number: 2013Da1051)

This is a court decision regarding the standard of the comparison group for discriminatory treatment under the Labor Standards Act. (English) (Korean)

South Korea: Court decision regarding the duration of collective agreement (Case Number: 2012Da71138)

This is a court decision regarding whether a collective agreement is limited to 2 years under the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act when it is automatically renewed for …

Japan: Unfair Labor Practice Cases Handled by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Labor Relations Commission

Unfair Labor Practice Cases Handled by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Labor Relations Commission This Article introduces recent situation of unfair labor practice cases at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Labor Relations …

The Significance of Labour Relations Commissions in Japan’s Labor Dispute Resolution System

This article provides overview of Labour Relations Commissions (LRCs) in Japan, which are the institutions to resolve collective labor disputes such as unfair labor practices by management. The article covers …

Occupational Health among Workers in the Informal Sector in India

This paper addresses the occupational health of workers in the informal sector, especially the small and medium firms such as mining, construction, and manufacturing. The paper brings to attention how …

Informal Workers in Thailand: Occupational Health and Social Security Disparities

This paper is about the Labor Protection Act (LPA) regarding the status and the protection of informal workers in Thailand. It also provided information about the quality of living and …

Industrial Action and Liability in Japan: A Legal Overview

This article analyses the scope of “proper” industrial action, which is protected by Labor Union Act, by introducing cases of the Supreme Court and lower courts in Japan. It also …

Self-Care & Health Care: How Migrant Women in the Greater Mekong Sub Region Take Care of their Health

With the support of the United Nations Development Program, MMN project partners in all countries of the GMS interviewed 114 migrant women to find out how women take care of …