Lawyers Beyond Borders v. Union of India & Ors. WP(C).No.13444 OF 2020(S)

Lawyers Beyond Borders (LBB) filed a public interest litigation petition regarding wage theft of migrant workers repatriated to India. The High Court of Kerala found in favor of LBB and …

Sanctions on China’s top cotton supplier weave a tangled web for fashion brands

In the vast steppes of China’s northwestern Xinjiang region, a paramilitary organization produces more than 7 percent of the world’s cotton, which factories around the globe spin into T-shirts, denim …

Tainted Stones: Bonded Labor and Child Labor in the India-U.S. Sandstone Supply Chain

“Three million workers are employed in India’s sandstone mining industry on a seasonal basis, with nearly 90% of India’s sandstone being produced in the state of Rajasthan. The government of …

Gig economy weighted against ’employee’ relationship

When the report of the inquiry into the Victorian on-demand workforce was released, it didn’t get the attention it deserved, as the state grappled with the escalating COVID-19 outbreak in Melbourne. This …

Labor Abuse Allegations Tie Up Ships in Australia Ports

Australian authorities detained at least two cargo ships for alleged labor violations related to demands from seafarers to be sent home, some of whom have spent more than a year …

Union busting & unfair dismissals: Garment workers during COVID-19

“As the COVID-19 pandemic struck and retail stores shut down, many global brands responded by cancelling billions worth of orders, passing the financial burden of the disruption to the most …

Set up a mechanism for ensuring migrant workers wages, labour rights activists say

As a large number of migrant workers have become victims of wage theft in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, migrant rights activists and trade union representatives have demanded the …

Losing More Than Their Health – COVID-19 and Migrant Worker Wage Theft

“The fear of losing jobs is worrying everyone at the moment.” These are the words of Sharif Uddin, a Bangladeshi construction supervisor, who sends the bulk of his wages to his family in Bangladesh …

Thai Appeal Court decision on Mitr Pohl paves the way for Asia’s first transboundary class action on human rights abuses

Today, Cambodian plaintiffs representing more than 700 farming families won a landmark appeal allowing them to move forward with their class action against Asia’s largest sugar producer, Mitr Phol. The …

Addressing Forced Labor in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

“The forced labor of ethnic and religious minorities in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), as part of a broader pattern of severe human rights abuses, is a significant and …