ETUC Briefing Note: National measures to protect self-employed workers

This ETUC briefing note is focused on how EU Member States must also ensure that the protections, changes in laws and regulations regarding short-term work, paid sick leave, etc,. do …

Briefing Note: National measures to protect non-standard workers including workers in the platform economy

This briefing contains the following sections: • Policy pointers on the vulnerable situation of non-standard workers and platform workers amidst the COVID outburst. • Measures introduced at national level to …

The Right to Refuse in a COVID-19 World

In view of the fact that the Ontario government has declared a state of emergency under the under section 7.0.1(1) of theEmergency Management and Civil Protection Act and passed O. Reg. 82/30 declaring …

ETUC Briefing Note: National measures to support households by providing different (tax) relief measures

Workers who just a couple of weeks ago were struggling but getting by are now worried about how they will pay their bills. Some Member States have looked to include …


In apparel, textile, and footwear—a sector where workers will fare especially poorly— there are 50 million workers, many of them women who are their families’ primary wage earner. Very few …

Short Time Work Measures Across Europe (COVID-19)

Throughout Europe trade unions are negotiating short time work schemes with both employers and governments so that workers are not let go during the COVID-19 lockdown but instead continue to …

ETUC Briefing Note: National measures to avoid collective/individual lay-offs (incl. granting (additional/special) leaves)

This briefing note focuses on strategies to avoid worker lay offs and to ensure alternatives such as ‘short-term work schemes,’ teleworking, etc. to avoid a complete loss of wages. This …

ITUC Global COVID-19 Survey: Half of countries in lockdown as COVID-19 pandemic wreaks health and economic havoc on working people and their families

The International Trade Union Confederation conducted a survey regarding how countries are responding to the COVID-19 crisis and what sorts of impacts from closures, shelter in place orders, or a …

Fact Sheet: Worker-Related Rights Decisions from European Court of Human Rights

This factsheet provides brief summaries of cases and decisions made by the European Court of Human Rights on worker-related rights issues.

India: Statewide updates following Government’s review of the COVID-19 outbreak on March 22, 2020

Following the video conference, held on March 22, 2020, it was mentioned that a number of decisions were taken by both the union and state governments with respect to containing …