The 9th Circuit appellate court reversed the district court’s dismissal of Uber’s lawsuit alleging AB 5 violates the Equal Protection Clause stating that it could plausibly be understood to do …
The 9th Circuit appellate court reversed the district court’s dismissal of Uber’s lawsuit alleging AB 5 violates the Equal Protection Clause stating that it could plausibly be understood to do …
Here is the full decision from the appellate court finding that Uber and Lyft drivers are independent contractors and Prop 22 in California is largely constitutional.
“The extension of artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithmic management mechanisms by companies has led to growing trade union demands to regulate their use. This article explores the role of collective …
Here is the full judgment in the case where the Court found that waste pickers were illegally evicted and has ordered New Africa Development and New Africa Development Property Income …
Workplace Data Is a Tool of Class Warfare
In September 2020 a Vice reporter discovered that Amazon was seeking to hire two “intelligence analysts” into its Global Security Operations division (GSO). The analysts would use data analytics and other tools to detect …