There is the first glimmer of hope that concrete legislation on workers’ digital rights may finally be getting serious consideration – and in one of the most influential states. Assemblyman Ash …
There is the first glimmer of hope that concrete legislation on workers’ digital rights may finally be getting serious consideration – and in one of the most influential states. Assemblyman Ash …
A first-of-its-kind bill that aims to protect American garment workers is making its way to the Senate floor. New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand has introduced the Fashioning Accountability and Building …
Researchers say they have found traces of Xinjiang cotton in shirts and T-shirts made by Adidas, Puma and Hugo Boss, appearing to contradict the German clothing companies’ promises to revise their supply …
When the job of a young east coast-based analyst – we’ll call him James – went remote with the pandemic, he didn’t envisage any problems. The company, a large US …
“The scope of workplace surveillance exploded during the pandemic as millions of workers turned their homes into offices. Some managers, accustomed to keeping tabs on their employees by walking past …
Here is the text of the Bill to regulate employer surveillance of workers in California:
This is the decision of the US DC Circuit Court applying the IOIA’s commercial activities exception to an international organization accused of facilitating human trafficking and sued in a US court. …
Does a company have the right to make its employees attend meetings where they hear messages against joining a union? The general counsel for the National Labor Relations Board is …
A Puerto Rican jockeys union and its members scored a victory Monday against antitrust claims brought by a racetrack and horse racing federation, when a federal appeals court in Boston …
The False Promise of “Third-Category” Worker Laws
Over a century ago, in Lochner v. New York, the U.S. Supreme Court infamously struck down a workplace maximum hours law, suggesting that it was “an unreasonable, unnecessary and arbitrary interference” …