Should your employer be able to stop you from getting a new job? If you have a summer internship, for example, should the company be able to prevent you from …
Should your employer be able to stop you from getting a new job? If you have a summer internship, for example, should the company be able to prevent you from …
Glacier Northwest is an attack on workers’ collective power. It also has frightening implications for American democracy. Remember those pesky analogy questions on the SAT? Here’s one for you, straight from …
In a far-reaching move that could raise wages and increase competition among businesses, the Federal Trade Commission on Thursday unveiled a rule that would block companies from limiting their employees’ …
Bladimir Moreno, owner of farm labor contracting business Los Villatoros Harvesting LLC, has been sentenced for leading a federal racketeering and forced labor conspiracy that targeted Mexican H-2A agricultural workers …
More than 150 years after slavery was outlawed in the US, California remains one of dozens of states in the country that allows slavery and indentured servitude as a punishment …
In an interview last January, ESPN lead football analyst Kirk Herbstreit made a proclamation: You might as well make college athletes employees. “I say we’re on a path to unionization,” …
The Board issued a decision in Bexar County II, restoring the rights of workers employed by a contractor to engage in protected concerted activity in their workplace. The new decision overturns Bexar County …
The NLRB dumped its Trump-era legal test for deciding when property owners can lawfully exclude employees of contractors, reinstating an earlier standard that gives those workers more leeway to protest …
The U.S. National Labor Relations Board on Tuesday said employers must compensate workers for “direct or foreseeable” financial harms, such as credit card debt and out-of-pocket medical expenses, that result …
Commentary: Oral Argument in Doe v. Apple
Last week, the D.C. Circuit heard oral argument in Doe v. Apple, a case brought by victims of forced labor and human trafficking against five U.S. technology companies. The plaintiffs are children or …