La Cgil fa causa a Deliveroo: “L’algoritmo discrimina i lavoratori”

La Cgil sfida in tribunale la piattaforma di consegna di cibo a domicilio Deliveroo. Il sindacato ha avviato una causa, la prima di questo tipo, per discriminazione collettiva a causa …

Italy: Appeal Court of Naples ruling on “Jobs Act

Click here for a link to the Appeal Court decision (in Italian). English Summary The Appeal Court of Naples puts into question the collective redundancies’ legal framework as designed by …

ITALIAN LEGISLATIVE DECREE No. 231/2001: A model for Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation?

In 2011, the UN Human Rights Council unanimously endorsed the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The Guiding Principles emphasized, on one hand, the State duty to …

Italy: Ottobre – Novembre 2019 issue of Bollettino

New rules for riders and digital workers Law 128/2019, converting Decree Law n. 101/19 (Urgent measures for the protection of work and company crisis management) confirms that the working relationships …

Italy: Are your tinned tomatoes picked by slave labour?

On 6 August last year, 14 immigrant farmhands in Foggia, on the ankle of the Italian boot, were coming home from a 12-hour shift picking tomatoes in 40C heat. The …

Ryanair, definitiva condanna per comportamento antisindacale

“Con una sentenza, emessa oggi (6 giugno, ndr), il Tribunale di Busto Arsizio rigetta il ricorso di Ryanair e condanna in via definitiva la compagnia per comportamento antisindacale nei confronti di …

Foodora, accolto in Appello a Torino il ricorso di 5 ex rider

La Corte d’Appello di Torino ha accolto, per una parte sostanziale, il ricorso di cinque ex rider di Foodora che chiedevano il riconoscimento della subordinazione del rapporto di lavoro. In primo …

Italy: Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro Monthly Newsletters 2019

The Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro is a legal research initiative in Italy founded by Fabio Rusconi and Andrea Danilo Conte. This is the compilation of the Italian language monthly newsletters from …

Dispatch No. 13 – Italy – “‘With great power comes virtual freedom’: A Review of the First Italian Case Holding that (Food-delivery) Platform Workers are not Employees

While platform work is on the rise at a global level, attracting intense media attention and provoking considerable discussion among social partners, academics, and international organizations[[1]], there are only a …

Collective Labour Agreement between Ryanair and its workers based in Italy (FIT CISL, ANPAC & ANPAV)

Attached is the Collective Labour Agreement between low fare airline Ryanair and three of its unions, FIT CISL, ANPAC & ANPAV.  The agreement recognizes that workers whose home base is …