Cleaner was employee and not independent contractor under Quebec statute, SCC rules

A cleaner who had a franchise agreement with a cleaning company was an employee and not an independent contractor pursuant to Quebec’s Act Respecting Collective Agreement Decrees, the Supreme Court …

Modern Cleaning Concept Inc. v. Comité paritaire de l’entretien d’édifices publics de la région de Québec, 2019 SCC 28 (CanLII)

The Canadian Supreme Court ruled that a cleaner who had a franchise agreement with Modern Cleaning Concept Inc. was an employee, not an independent contractor, under the Quebec Act Respecting …

Foodora Couriers Want to Be Among First Gig Economy Workers to Unionize in Canada

Ivan Ostos, a 23-year-old Foodora bike courier who was injured on the job in Toronto, is encouraging others to demand better protection for themselves, by being part of a union. …

Opinion: Domestic workers fall through cracks in Employment Standards Act

The work migrant caregivers do is difficult, and it is important. And the vast majority of these workers are racialized women. Thousands of British Columbian families rely on migrant workers …

Les employés des foyers de soins ne peuvent toujours pas faire la grève

La Cour d’appel du Nouveau-Brunswick a rendu sa décision : le droit de grève demeure interdit aux employés des foyers de soins du Nouveau-Brunswick, confirme Simon Ouellette, responsable des communications du …

Canada: Threats, crippling debt and lives lost: Human trafficking leaves foreign workers suffering in silence

It was a simple promotion on TV that led to heartbreak for Ajesh Chopra and his family. His brother said Mr. Chopra was at home in India when the ad …


Une bataille juridique en cours depuis 2009, portée en appel en décembre, pourrait ouvrir une brèche dans la loi qui permettrait aux cadres de se syndiquer. Selon Me Pierre Parent, …

Migrant farm workers victorious in legal battle against recruiter

In a rare decision, a Toronto court has ordered a recruiter to return the fees she charged migrant workers for jobs at a GTA mushroom farm and awarded them damages …

A Just and Fair Transition for Canadian Coal Power Workers and Communities

“With ten recommendations, this report provides advice on what we could include in a just transition plan for coal workers and communities. It also: provides a background and overview of …

Canada moves one step closer to supply chain legislation

Canada could become the next major economy to enact supply chain legislation. Currently, the country lacks a comprehensive policy response to modern slavery and forced labour, a point emphasized in …