Brazil: ADPF 449 / DF

ADPF 449 / DF Unofficial English Translation Tribunal: Federal Supreme Court Issue: Unfair Dismissal Finding: Independent Contractor Decision: The Supreme Court decided in a 125-page judgment that municipal laws that …

Sindicatos de diversas categorias barram efeitos da MP 873 na Justiça

São Paulo – Enquanto o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) não discute a constitucionalidade da Medida Provisória (MP) 873, que impede o desconto em folha da contribuição sindical, entidades representativas dos trabalhadores vêm …

Brazil Case Law: TST-RR-20975-06.2015.5.04.0382

This case is an example of how the Brazilian Higher Labor Court (TST) has analyzed situations related to workers’ rights violations in supply chains. The Court confirmed the lower court …

Brazil: Conflito de Competência Nº 164.544 – MG (2019/0079952-0)

Conflito de Competência Nº 164.544 – MG (2019/0079952-0) Unofficial English Translation Date: 2019 Tribunal: Superior Tribunal of Justice Issue: Jurisdictional Dispute Finding: Drivers’ claims belong in civil court, not labour …

Book review: “Labor reform in Brazil: promises and reality”

In Portuguese, “Reforma trabalhista no Brasil: promessas e realidade”. The book was published after two years of the labor reform in Brazil, legislation that represented a great deregulation of the …

“Labor reform in Brazil: promises and reality”

In Portuguese, “Reforma trabalhista no Brasil: promessas e realidade.” The book was published after two years of the labor reform in Brazil, legislation that represented a great deregulation of the …

Global chocolate supply chain tainted by abuses in Brazil: report

The global chocolate supply chain is tainted by the use of cocoa from Brazilian farms where human rights violations are common, a report released Friday said. Among the abuses detailed …

Brazil Case Law: TST-AIRR-11751-62.2015.5.01.0015

In this case, the Brazilian Higher Labor Court (TST) confirmed the decision that the plaintiff was a victim of discriminatory dismissal as a result of her pregnancy. According to the …

Brazil judicial decision: supply chain violations – Case number: TRT-RO-0001662-91.2012.5.02.0003

The Regional Labor Court of São Paulo (TRT-2) confirmed the decision (Case number: TRT-RO-0001662-91.2012.5.02.0003) that held the Spanish fashion retailer Zara accountable for workers’ rights violation in its supply chain. The …

Brazil’s top court upholds unrestricted outsourcing

BRASILIA (Reuters) – Brazil’s Supreme Court voted 7-4 on Thursday to allow companies to outsource all types of jobs, a ruling that confirms the constitutionality of rules set last year …