On September 10, 2018, the National Industrial Court of Nigeria held that the purported reversal of a termination of employment to dismissal was strange, wrongful, unlawful, null and void. The defendant …
On September 10, 2018, the National Industrial Court of Nigeria held that the purported reversal of a termination of employment to dismissal was strange, wrongful, unlawful, null and void. The defendant …
This is a court decision regarding duty of the employer to provide trade union office not only to the representative bargaining labor union but also to other labor union. (English) https://library.scourt.go.kr/SCLIB_data/decision/50-2017Da218642_TraUniOff_hs.htm …
This is a case about minority union rights. Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU), the majority union, signed an agreement with the Department of Correctional Services. The agreement set …
This is a court decision regarding tort liability of the labor union representative. It is possible to limit the union representative’s representative authority by requiring an internal procedure in order …
This article discusses possible criminal charges or fine in case American companies involve North Korean workers in their supply chain. It discusses that the North Korean Government receives foreign currency …
This case is about when the registration of the collective bargain agreement can be set aside. The court believed that a collective agreement is like a contract. Unless it is …
This article discusses a report which finds that there are 2.6 million people living under slavery and the vast majority of the population are being forced to work by the …
This paper maps the relationship between the increasing preference for ‘contract labor’ in India. It was found that when employers are unwilling to “invest”, workers too, do not “investment” in …
International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
c/o Solidarity Center
1130 Connecticut Ave, NW 8th Floor
Washington DC, 20036
Foster parents and fundamental labour rights
The work of parenting is a labour of love. There is no work that is harder and there is no work that is more rewarding. How many parents have reflected …