Doug Ford is Gutting Labour Laws, Eliminating Sick Days and Cancelling Raises for Minimum Wage Workers

Doug Ford’s government announced Tuesday it is tabling sweeping legislation to gut Ontario’s labour laws. At a press conference Tuesday in Scarborough, Labour Minister Laurie Scott announced Ford’s government is officially …

Labor Migration In Sweden: The Legacy Of Laval And Social Dumping

For people who like to keep an eye on far-right populism in Europe, Sweden is a perennial favorite. Last month’s elections saw the far-right Sweden Democrats (SD) take 17.5% of …

Negociación colectiva: Ley aprobada afectará el presupuesto público

Como última acción de la jornada, el pleno del Congreso aprobó este jueves –alrededor de las 11:30 p.m.– la exoneración de la segunda votación de la ley de negociación colectiva estatal. La iniciativa –que …

Court Denies Trump Administration Request to Expedite Appeal of Workforce EO Decision

A three-judge panel in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on Thursday mostly denied a request by the Trump administration to expedite its appeal of a U.S. District Court …

D. Leg. 1442 no regula la negociación colectiva

La aprobación del Decreto Legislativo Nº 1442  no regula ni tiene relación con la negociación colectiva en el sector público, lo que será materia de una ley distinta, de acuerdo …

Let’s seize the opportunity to ensure a strong, international binding treaty on business and human rights

Four years after the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a Resolution to begin negotiations on a binding international treaty on business and human rights, today we commence discussions on the Zero Draft of …

Women’s groups oppose World Bank proposals to weaken labor rights

A broad range of feminist organizations and allies have expressed opposition and concerns over the World Bank’s recent recommendations in the World Development Report 2019, which focuses on increasing labor flexibility …

Uber UK strike: users urged not to cross ‘digital picket line’

Uber customers were urged not to cross a “digital picket line” as British drivers with the app-based service staged their first coordinated national strike. Organisers of the 24-hour strike, which started …

Chile. Empresa cuprífera Lumina despide a 12 trabajadores supervisores 15 días antes de empezar negociación colectiva

Post-Epic Systems, Kentucky Supreme Court Holds That Under State Law, Employers Cannot Require Mandatory Arbitration Agreements as a Condition of Employment

Earlier this year, the United States Supreme Court held in Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis that employers can require employees to agree to arbitrate disputes between them solely on an individual basis …