Libertad sindical y contratación colectiva serán ejes de la Reforma Laboral

Los ejes de la reforma constitucional a la Ley Federal de Trabajo, en los próximos días se presentará al Congreso de la Unión la propuesta de reforma a las leyes …

Federal unions want Tory labour laws repealed before next election

Federal unions want the Trudeau government to repeal Harper-era labour legislation that, they say, watered down collective bargaining rights and gave the government the power to unilaterally take away public …

NLRB OKs Employers Challenging Unions Before CBAs Start

Law360 (October 29, 2018, 7:28 PM EDT) — Employers can challenge whether unions still have majority support from the bargaining units they represent during the time period between when a …

Human rights bill to be introduced in Queensland this week

Human rights will soon be enshrined in Queensland law, with a bill to be introduced into Parliament this week. The Queensland act was expected to be modelled on the Victorian …

Sindicato tico rechaza proyecto legal contra derecho a la huelga

San José, 26 oct (PL) La Asociación de Profesores de Segunda Enseñanza (APSE) de Costa Rica, rechazó hoy el proyecto legal para brindar seguridad jurídica sobre la huelga y sus …

Banking, Insurance & Finance Union (Kenya) v Maisha Bora Sacco Society Ltd

This case discussed the procedural requirements of the redundancy. In this case, the employer did not fulfill the notice requirement of the redundancy. The court returns that even though there …

Kenya Union of Entertainment and Music Industry Employees v Bomas of Kenya Limited

This case is about the relationship between the company and two different trade unions. The right to represent the employees requires the trade union represents a simple majority of unionisable …

Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutional, Hospitals and Allied Workers (Kudheiha) v Kenyatta National Hospital

This case is about the right of the court to interfere with the negotiation of the Collective Bargain Agreement. The court thought it shall not interfere with the negotiation because …

Doug Ford is Gutting Labour Laws, Eliminating Sick Days and Cancelling Raises for Minimum Wage Workers

Doug Ford’s government announced Tuesday it is tabling sweeping legislation to gut Ontario’s labour laws. At a press conference Tuesday in Scarborough, Labour Minister Laurie Scott announced Ford’s government is officially …

Labor Migration In Sweden: The Legacy Of Laval And Social Dumping

For people who like to keep an eye on far-right populism in Europe, Sweden is a perennial favorite. Last month’s elections saw the far-right Sweden Democrats (SD) take 17.5% of …