Amparos de sindicatos no detendrán avance de reforma laboral: Napoleón Gómez Urrutia

Aunque hay sindicatos que esperan la aprobación de un amparo a la reforma laboral al argumentar que viola la libertad sindical, el senador de la República, Napoleón Gómez Urrutia criticó …

Judge backs state on teacher unions law in Florida

A Leon County circuit judge has rejected arguments by teacher unions that a controversial 2018 education law violates collective-bargaining rights and improperly singles out teachers among public employees. Judge Angela Dempsey on …

American scores victory as judge rules against mechanics in lawsuit

American Airlines scored a victory against the unions which represent its mechanics in federal court Monday. U.S. District Judge John McBryde granted a permanent injunction against the Association — a joint venture …

EU Directive on Transparent & Predictable Working Conditions in the European Union

With the Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions, workers in the EU will have the right to: more complete information on the essential aspects of their work, to be received …

Morrison’s union-busting laws will further repress right to strike

It is well-established that the right to strike is protected under the International Labour Organization’s 1948 Freedom of Association Convention and 1949 Convention on the Right to Organise. However, this is another internationally …

Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame

This collection of four volumes charts the development of collective bargaining since the year 2000 in the 28 EU Member States. These four volumes document how the institutions of collective …

Draft Law on Right to Strike in Morocco Stirs Controversy

The draft law 15-97 on the right to strike, submitted to Parliament for approval, created tensions between work unions and the government. The draft law establishes the basic rules and principles …

Indian unions hold nationwide protest against anti-worker labour law ‘reforms’

A massive wave of protest across the country on 2 August against the Modi government’s corporate friendly labour law reforms highlights the crisis of social dialogue in India. Workers across …

One Year Since the Jasic Incident. Arrests and Detention System with Chinese Characteristics

In July 2018, the labour action at Jasic Technology Co., Ltd in Shenzhen was succeeded by a series of crackdowns towards the strike workers and their fellow supporters as well …

‘Extraordinary act of vandalism’: Burrow calls on Senate to block union-busting bill

The world’s top union leader says the Morrison government’s union-busting legislation has sent “shockwaves around the world”, calling on the Senate crossbench to block it to protect workers’ rights. Sharan …