El Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó por 410 votos a favor, 1 en contra y 17 abstenciones el dictamen por el que se expide la Ley Orgánica del …
El Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó por 410 votos a favor, 1 en contra y 17 abstenciones el dictamen por el que se expide la Ley Orgánica del …
The object of this Bill is to repeal the Employment Rights Act and replace it by a modern and comprehensive legislative framework with a view to addressing the shortcomings of …
Europe loves to bash America for its lack of a social safety-net and Darwinian labour market, which comes with relatively few worker protections and plenty of doublespeak. But European companies …
The Human Resources Ministry today tabled eight amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967 for first reading at the Dewan Rakyat. “The amendments are part of the holistic review and …
On 4 October the Mauritius government agreed to the Workers’ Rights Act (2019) which will improve conditions on hours of work, shift work, vacation leave and for precarious workers in non-standard work. …
Recent protests by delivery couriers have focused public interest on precarity and labour rights in Ukraine. With unbearable and sometimes dangerous conditions, working as a courier is one of the poorest paid …