El análisis que se realiza en el presente informe parte de la base de las obligaciones internacionales de los Estados en materia de derechos humanos en supuestos en los que …
Ukraine is in the midst of a new round of reforms. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s party, Servant of the People, swept to victory in 2019, as both a novelty (he is …
The EU will not force a statutory minimum wage on countries such as Denmark following an outcry by Nordic member states over a threat to their century-old systems of collective bargaining. A …
En la sesión de ayer del Consejo de Ministros, se aprobó un decreto de urgencia referido a la negociación colectiva en el sector público. Esta norma abarcará a los gobiernos locales y …
A year ago, tens of thousands of workers in Bangladesh went on strike against the poverty wages that are pervasive in the country’s export-oriented garment industry. On 13 January 2019, …
El proyecto de ley que regulara el derecho de huelga en el país fue aprobado este martes por una mayoría parlamentaria. La iniciativa, que paso por un largo camino en …
The government in Kyiv plans to introduce a new labour code in order to “simplify” employment practices. The initiative, which was drafted without prior consultation with trade unions, has left lawyers and workers …
The ILAW Network sent a letter to the Government of Ukraine to protest its decision to introduce highly regressive amendments to the Trade Union Law and Labour Law on 27 …