De acuerdo con lo expuesto, el Tribunal no podía exigirle al sindicato agotar el procedimiento de la huelga contractual a un conflicto que tenía su origen en el incumplimiento grave …

Suspension of Labour Rights during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Possible Implications under the Revised Draft

“Many state governments of India have amended their labour laws in the wake of the economic crisis posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Uttar Pradesh (UP) is one state that has …

How the American Worker Got Fleeced

“ Inc. fired Emily Cunningham a little before the end of Good Friday, though the human resources rep put it a little differently. “You have ended your relationship with Amazon,” …

Hundreds protesting in Kyiv against new labor legislation

Representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine gathered for a protest in the government neighborhood in central Kyiv on Tuesday against the adoption of new labor legislation. Several …

Abogados internacionales piden a SCJN rechazar amparos contra Reforma Laboral

En la víspera de la entrada en vigor del Tratado entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá (T-MEC), abogados internacionales pidieron a la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) …

Zara and Primark factory workers say they were fired after forming union

Hundreds of workers at two factories in Myanmar that produce clothing for Zara and Primark were fired days after forming a union in a move workers say targeted union supporters …

‘With labour exploitation worsening during Covid, tech giants must allow workers to join unions’

““I even have had to pay [my employer] money at the end of the month instead of getting money.” That’s a quote from Batsa, a 25-year-old Nepalese worker in an …

Cabinet approves labor bills for ILO conventions

SEOUL, June 23 (Yonhap) — South Korea’s Cabinet on Tuesday passed three labor-related revision bills, including one that would allow unemployed and dismissed workers to join unions. It’s part of …

June 2020: ILAW Amicus Brief Concerning the Amparos Against Mexican Labor Law Reforms

ILAW Press Release Jun 23 2020 EN y ES (English and Spanish) ILAW Memorial Amicus Reforma Laboral ES FINAL 2020 06 22 (Spanish version) ILAW Memorial Amicus Labor Reform EN …

The implications of Covid-19 on workers rights: A regional overview

“This issue focuses on the impact of Covid-19 on workers’ rights across Southern Africa. The restrictive measures imposed by governments to combat the spread of the pandemic has resulted in economies shrinking, …