The National Labor Court has ruled in a precedent-setting decision that it is possible to recognize someone who is not the direct employer of a worker as an employer for …
The National Labor Court has ruled in a precedent-setting decision that it is possible to recognize someone who is not the direct employer of a worker as an employer for …
On August 3, 2023, Uzbek Forum for Human Rights (Uzbek Forum), assisted by Bankwatch Network, filed a complaint with the Independent Project Accountability Mechanism (IPAM) of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) …
In March 2020, during the early stages of the COVID- 19 pandemic, the Respondent terminated employee Ronald Vincer for raising concerns about its COVID pro- tocols and decision to remain …
The National Labor Relations Board issued a decision in Miller Plastic Products, Inc. (decided on August 25th), returning to the long-established test for determining whether an employee who intends to induce group action …
Today, the Board issued a decision in Cemex Construction Materials Pacific, LLC announcing a new framework for determining when employers are required to bargain with unions without a representation election. The new framework will …
Debates on the future of work have taken a more fundamental turn in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Early in 2020, when large sections of the workforce were prevented …
The U.S. National Labor Relations Board on Friday resurrected key elements of a policy it eliminated more than 50 years ago requiring businesses that commit labor law violations to bargain …
Chipping Away at the Right to Strike
On June 1, the Supreme Court issued a significant decision against the labor movement in Glacier Northwest v. Teamsters Local Union No. 174. In an 8–1 split, the Court found that …